Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random thoughts

Lately, i find it too hard to update my blog. Nothing exciting is happening around me that i can blog about. Life is getting very mundane and i seriously need something to excite me. School life is throwing challenges every single day but i'm just too tired for that. I just brush them aside and keep strolling. Two things that are keeping me excited for now is the end of my practicum (in 15 days) and Deepavali (I know it's too early to think about it). It has been 2 years since i celebrated Deepavali as i was away in Sydney. So, i'm looking forward to the family celebration. But it's still not going to be exciting as my sis won't be around this time. I can't believe it has been 5 years since we celebrated Deepavali with our complete family. And i have to wait another 2 years before being able to unite with all my family members. That makes it 7 damn-long-years.

Well on a different note, i want to start a new regime to GAIN weight. I know most people would want to lose weight but i am one unfortunate being who have to struggle to gain weight. I'm tired of being the underweight person. But it's just hard to cater for my high metabolism when i'm stuck in the hostel. For the next one week to come i'm going to try my best to eat and eat and check the scales. Wish me luck people.

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