Monday, September 19, 2011


No.. i am not asking you to leave. Do spend few minutes here and you  might get stressed too :)
Before you jump into any conclusion i am not stressed. I know that because i don't blog when i am under stress. So, what do you do when you are driven up the wall? I don't chew people's head and i don't yell but i certainly have my way of handling it..quite ineffectively though.

1. I am stressed. Where is my bed? I need to sleep!!
What a funny way of coping with stress? When i am stressed i hit the bed. That's perhaps because i always believe that when i sleep  the problems disappear too. May be i have not acquired the object permanence stage as i feel when the problem is out of sight, then it has ceased existing. But the problem is when i wake up, i realise that the world has not stopped spinning and i still have to solve my problems. Last year, i was doing something on my laptop and then once i was done i wanted to close the lid and as usual i held the upper part of the lid and suddenly i heard i 'crack'. I broke my screen! What did i do? I closed the lid, jumped to my bed and told myself 'it's a dream..a nightmare..You sleep and when you wake up you will realise". And i did sleep. I woke up after few hours oblivious to the fact that i had broken the screen and switched on the laptop and was quite shocked to know that it was not a dream after all. And then i did what i do normally when i am stressed...

2. I CRY!!!
That is something that comes naturally to me. So when i am under immense stress, grief and i just sit and cry and cry as that gives a sense of escapism. It feels as though the pressure comes out in the form of tears and usually i feel relieved afterwards. But still it comes with a hefty price..puffy eyes and swollen face which cannot be covered even with the best make-up

3. I am done with crying. So, it's time to recharge.
After sleeping and crying, i do what every human ought to do after shedding buckets of I have met people who say they lose appetite when they are sad or stressed and i usually give them 'are-you-for-real' stare. I get hungry when i am stressed. Well, i will need energy to think a solution to solve the worries, right? Sometimes, i do get guilty as i was supposed to be in gloomy mood and eating well certainly does not fit the gloomy category. But still, i pour out my feelings when i fiercely tear the chicken and 'whack' the food. Quite an outburst rite?

Then i write
If you think i torment others through my i don't do that.Well, at least not that often. When i am under immense stress, i write notes or poems. But those are exclusively personal as i grab any paper that can  and start writing or venting my feelings. Then, i chuck it aside and then another paper and then chuck it too. And eventually, when i am all cool and chill, i will read my ramblings, laugh at my silliness and tear to pieces (so that the garbage collectors don't read them) and throw them away. I don't keep anything that would make me sad and all weepy. 

So next time you are stressed and you want to deal with it your own way, just remember there are people crazier than you with weird stress management techniques. 

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