Friday, May 8, 2009

Shopping Woes Part 2

Sales Person: Another important factor in shopping which either makes it a wonderful or bad experience is the sales person’s character. I have come across some sales girls who are so nasty and rude that makes me feel like hitting them with the stiletto that I was looking at. Some sales girls are so friendly and understand their job completely that they never make nasty faces whenever you request for different colours and sizes and even give comments (usually all positive ) regarding your choice. When I was in Sydney, I went for a job interview as a shoe sales person and my training for the first day was to smile at EACH customer and greet them. The manager told me that she was not interested with the number of shoes that I was able to sell because as a sales person I should be able to create a positive feeling for the customers. On the other hand, here in Malaysia the sales person does not even smile at you and I have encountered cashiers who don’t even look at my face and behave like programmed robots who charge the items and take money and return the receipt and balance money. WTH!! Still, I think the guys who sell Sari are the best. They take out and open the Saris without you asking them to and want you to see as much Sari as possible. No wonder in India ladies can shop for few days without going back home.

Finding accessories that match the clothes has never been easy. I know friends who have matching shoes for every single dress that hangs in their closets. For me, I never bothered. I just buy either dark brown or black shoes which are the magic colours that fit any clothes. For once, I bought a pair of gold shoes and they are still lying in the closet unworn as I couldn’t find any dress in that colour. Some girls are very determined that they will buy a dress and immediately hunt for the appropriate accessories at that very moment itself and never leave the mall without getting them. I just pity their shopping partners especially if it’s a guy; p

Okies. I think I have rattled enough about shopping, thanks to the movie, “Confessions of a shopaholic” for the inspiration. So whoever thinks shopping is easy and very relaxing, I would ask you to think again. It is as difficult as other difficult things in life. Period.


-LyS- said...

omg,i feel u.hehe.some sales person are just too rude.u know, sometimes they even get irritated if we just hold the clothes without buying it.there's dis once, i was just holding this piece of top just to take a look at it, then put it back to the shelf.then the salesgirl,gave me the most annoying face, n oganizing back the clothes right in front of my face and then muttered something under her if marking her territory.haha..grr..;p

Nithz said...


A good one especially on the 'Sales Person' issue. To add, some sales person will look down on you & is not even bothered to 'layan' you. Even if we asked for certain types of accessories which is not diaplayed in their shop (example : Any other colors/any other design/etc), the only word they will utter is 'tak de stok'..Haihs!!~

p/s: I will soon or later be color blind by reading your post :p