Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So long..Farewell

I cannot believe I have reached the end of the road called ‘ student’s life’. Today officially I’m stepping out of this wonderful world. 5 ½ years of tertiary education has always been something that I dread. It seemed never ending and I was getting tired of answering people’s questions about my education. But, in a blink of eye here I am bidding painful goodbye to my dearest friends. This 5 ½ years have been thought provoking , touching years. I still remember the first time I entered this college, I felt so out of place. I thought I had made a wrong choice. I used to get annoyed with people. I could not see the positive sight of people as I examined every single person that I met. But as time pass by I learnt to understand, respect and tolerate people. There were so many conflicts too. But friends were there to open my eyes. Through these friends eyes, I learnt to see the world. The timid and shy girl was gone and I learned everything from them….makeup, gossiping, confidence, socialising..etc. Up to now, I have said goodbye to so many of them and every time I hug them, pricks of tears well in my eyes. So this is it. Once I step out of this college, I am no longer a student. I am a teacher, a daughter, a sister, a friend but not a student. The world of adults and responsibilities scares me. But I am ready to face them. To my dearest friends, thanks for all the love and so long…ciao.

P/S- To my dearest friend Venisha, I will miss you a lot. I am so sorry could not hug you goodbye. This 5 ½ years have been wonderful years in my life. We do fought a lot, shouted at each other a la Tom and Jerry couples, but I treasure the friendship. I have learned a lot from you and patience is one of it ;p. I will cherish this relationship forever and I am so sorry had I hurt your feelings in any way. Miss You Missie!

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