Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Deepavali Carnival

Well, two days ago i attended the Deepavali carnival in Sydney Olympic Park. I have been wanting to attend it eversince i came to know about it. So took a day off from my waitressing job and went there. We (my friend and I) arrived there around 5pm and was kind of shocked to see such a crowd. A throng of 6000 of people were expected but the overflowing crowd was more than that i guess.
Our first aim was to look at the latest Indian traditional outfits. Eversince, i noticed few celebrities wearing the Patiala Salwar and Anarkalli suites, i was agog with curiosity wanting to see how it looks like.And it was a sheer disappointment to see all out-dated punjabi suites there. Imagine seeing suites which were fashionable in Malaysia 4 years ago, in that carnival! I couldn't see one Punjabi suite which interest me. Those were the suites which i rejected 3 years ago! I seriously pity those people who were lured into believing that they were actually 2008's fashion.
Then we went to another interesting section which was the food stalls area. Well, it was sooo crowded and we managed to grab a Biryani, Samosa and Jilebi. The food was not bad though. We were sitting on the field and enjoying our meal till we realised that there was a cultural show. So i took my plate (with 3 jilebis) and fought our best to get a spot in the crowd. Everything was going fine till the Bangra started. People went wild and was crashing the security border and dancing hysterically. And the security officers were looking helplessly. Though, it was nice to see people shaking their hips for the Bhangras, it was quite agitating that people were so inconsiderate that they blocked our view. Despite the ladies' request, the guys kept on dancing leaving only their butt to be seen.
And exactly at 8pm the Ravana's dummy was burnt and the pinnacle of the carnival was the fireworks display. It was 1o minutes-so show which was so beautiful and colourful that i was awestruck. I was just hoping that it shouldn't end. So,... it was a spectacular show.

p/s: All the while watching the show i was holding the jillebi plate with one hand (standing) that left me such a pain that i can't lift my hand for hours

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